Weekly Update from CCM

I'm sending this out a bit early this week, because I know we all are busy with the end of the semester.  This is our LAST WEEK of CCM activities before exams!  

We'll have 30 minutes of Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel from noon to 12:30.  Come spend some quality quiet time with Jesus. After, I'll be getting our holiday decorations down from the attic, so anyone who can come by and help decorate for our party on Wednesday, please feel free!
RCIA from 4:00-5:00pm.
Our final Supper @ the Center of the semester begins at 6:30pm!  Kat is cooking up a holiday feast for us, home cooked just like mom makes.  After, we'll have our annual Grinch gift exchange.  If this is your first year, you don't want to miss it.  Everyone please bring a wrapped gift (up to $5 value) to exchange.  If you need wrapping paper, I have some set out in the CCM living room.  After our gift exchange, we'll hit the sidewalks and go caroling around campus, bringing cheer to stressed out students.  We hope you'll join us!
Friday is Dec. 6 – St. Nicholas' Day!  Fr. Voitus has invited us over to the rectory to help decorate for the season.  He'll also be offering a special St. Nicholas Day Mass for us at the church.  We'll have 30 minutes of Adoration (with Benediction) starting at 4:00pm.  Mass will be at 4:30pm.  After Mass, we'll walk over to the rectory for a pizza dinner and decorating party.  We'll have a car pool leaving from the Catholic Student Center at 3:30 to head over to the church.  Those who can't leave at 3:30 are welcome to join us later.  (Note: we have a Facebook event for this and invites were sent out to all in our Facebook group.  It would be helpful to confirm on Facebook if you plan on going, so we can get an idea of numbers).
Our final Mass on campus of 2013.  Mass is at 7:30pm, as usual, with Rosary and Confession 30 minutes before Mass.  After Mass, our Credo discussion will be about our duties to God (the first three commandments).  Hint: it's more than just avoiding graven images.  It will be our last Credo until Jan. 12, so don't miss it!  
Even though we won't have our regular activities during finals week, the chapel will be open for your use – and please use it!  It can be easy to forget to make time for God when we feel busy and stressed, but that's precisely when we need Him in our lives the most!  Please know that I'll be praying for you during exams.  Please remember to pray for one another.
Speaking of St. Nicholas, if you thought he was just some jolly old elf who delivers presents once a year, you've never met the real Santa Claus.  St. Nicholas was a real life bishop of the Church who died in 343 AD, and did some amazing things in his life, including getting into a fist fight with the heretic Arius during the Council of Nicaea.  So if someone asks you if you believe in Santa Claus, be sure to say "Yes!  And you don't want to mess with St. Nick!"
Read more: http://www.stpeterslist.com/11939/when-santa-punched-a-heretic-in-the-face-13-memes-on-st-nicholas/
I'll keep sending out my Sunday gospel reflections during the break, but this will be our last scheduling update until the week before the Spring semester begins.  I wish all of you success on your exams, safe travels home, a glorious Advent, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.  See you all back here in 2014.
And remember – Keep MASS in Christmas!  🙂
God bless,

WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister
(828)293-9374  |   POB 2766, Cullowhee NC 28723