Weekly Update from CCM

Good (wet) afternoon, students!

A few updates to this week's schedule, so pay close attention…
St. Mary's is holding a Lenten Penance Service this evening at 6:00pm.  Anyone who wants to carpool from campus and can either offer a ride or needs a ride is encouraged to put a message on our Facebook Group.
"Supper @ the Center" at 6:30pm.  We will be joined this week by a special guest from the Pegnancy Care Center, who will be speaking with us briefly after supper about the services they provide and ways that we can help in their ministry to young mothers.  Kevin is cooking dinner for us, and it sounds like it will be a special treat, as well.  Pasta al forno con pomodori e mozzarella, with a special "lenten dessert."  
This Thursday, at 2pm our time, will be the precise moment that His Holiness Benedict XVI will abdicate the Papal See.  We'd like to support our Holy Father with our prayers.  We will have a short prayer service starting at 2pm in our chapel, including the rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  It will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes.  Please come join us if you can.
Also, Thursday, we will have a regular Adoration hour from 6 to 7pm.  (As an aside, if anyone would like to participate in weekly Adoration but cannot make this scheduled time, please let me know what times you are available.  There is nothing that says we can only do it once a week!)
Stations of the Cross at St. Mary's at 5:30pm, followed by a soup and bread supper.
March 7:  WCU Professor of History, Dr. David Doronodo, will be giving a presentation at St. Mary's parish entitled "The Byzantine Church:  An Historical Overview." from 7 to 8pm.
March 9:  Road Trip to Conyers, GA, to visit the Trappist Monastery.  This is the monastery that Kevin is considering joining after he finishes his studies.  He'll lead us down to meet the monks, tour the monastery campus, pray with them, and see what a "monk's way of life" is all about!  We'll be leaving from the Catholic Student Center at 9am and returning to campus between 9 and 10pm.  For more information see our Facebook event.
March 14:  We'll be joining with the Methodist students at a "Coffee House Theology" night at The Point.  The event is still in the planning stages, so more details to follow…
We are planning a Spring Retreat at the Lake House again this year!  The dates are April 12-14, and the theme will be on God's Forgiveness.  More information to follow, but mark your calendars now!

¿Se Habla Español?

Would you appreciate a Spanish prayer group?  If you'd like to get together on a regular basis to be able to pray in Spanish with other Spanish speaking Catholics, please drop me a note.  It's an idea a few students have been tossing around and it would be good to know who else may be interested.
God bless, everyone!

WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister
(828)293-9374  |   POB 2766, Cullowhee NC 28723