Books Every Catholic Should Own (and Read!)
Sometimes it happens that I get asked by someone interested in becoming Catholic, or in living their Catholic faith more fully, whether there are certain books they should look to get. While sometimes there are certain books I feel compelled to recommend to an individual because of that person’s background or interests, or particular spiritual needs, there are a number of books that I feel every Catholic in general should own and use — or rather, certain types of books. Here’s a list that I have compiled, and I’d welcome any additions.
Ok, so this one should go without saying, but I’m saying it anyway. It’s the Word of God. The Bible contains our divinely inspired scriptures. You should own a copy. But which one? There are so many translations and editions out there these days, it’s admittedly confusing. Rather than offer a comprehensive list, I’ll just give some general guidelines and mention a specific few.
- Make sure it is a Catholic Bible. That means it will contain the deuterocanon, consisting of the books of Sirach, Tobit, Wisdom, Judtih, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Baruch, and longer versions of Daniel and Esther. Most Protestant Bibles will leave these books out, or if they are included at all, will include them in their own section between the Old and New Testaments, labelled “Apocrypha.” These books are not apocryphal; they are sacred scripture and belong in the Catholic Bible along with every other book. Make sure your Bible has them. (You can read more about the deuterocanon here.)
- There are a couple of English language Bibles that the Church routinely uses, so if you are looking for advice on which translation to get, you may find this helpful.
- New American Bible – this is the one the Church uses in the Lectionary, which is read from during the liturgy. It’s a fairly readable version, and if you want something that will correspond with the Mass readings, this is the one to choose.
- New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition – this is the translation of the scriptures that is quoted from in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so if you are looking for a Bible to help you as you study the Catechism, or one with somewhat more formal language, this might be a good choice.
- Douay-Rheims – The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation that was authorized by the Catholic Church around the same time as the popular King James translation of the Bible. So if you like the more formal and poetic early modern English used in the King James, the Douay-Rheims is for you.
- The USCCB has a listing of other Church approved English translations on their web site.
- The US Catholic Catechism for Adults
- Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft (this is the one I use for RCIA and Confirmation prep classes on campus).
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- The Faith Explained by Leo Trese
- There are many others – take advantage of them!
- Here is one that just has Sundays and holy days of obligation.
- Here is one that has every day of the year in a three-volume set.
- Here is one that has every day of the year in a single volume.
- Catholic Book of Prayers
- Handbook of Prayers
- Manual of Prayers
- Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
- What Catholics Really Believe by Karl Keating
- How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice
- Catholicism for Dummies
- Handbook of Catholic Apologetics – this last one is great if you want to make a more serious study of the matter.