Category: Scripture Reflections

You Will be My Witnesses

Last Sunday, two of our students received the sacrament of Confirmation. In this sacrament, the Holy Spirit descends upon the Christian disciple who is anointed, and they receive their share of the grace of Pentecost. They receive their share in the power of the Holy Spirit and the mission of the Church.

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Love & Obedience

God has only our good as his aim, and he knows exactly what is best for us. He is our Creator. So it would be the most foolish thing in the world not to obey his commands, even if they seem hard, because we know his commands are ordered toward our happiness. 

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Who Belongs to the Church?

No matter where we are in our relationship with Jesus, if we examine ourselves honestly in light of this Sunday’s readings, we will no doubt discover that we have room to grow. Christian discipleship means always learning, always growing, conforming our hearts and minds more fully with the Divine Will as his grace slowly, over time, bears the fruit of sanctity.

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The Stone Rejected

Through the Resurrection, Christ has inaugurated a new age of faith, one in which God is worshiped not in a single Temple in Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth throughout the whole world (cf. Jn 4:23). This new Temple is not a brick-and-mortar construction, but the very Body of Christ — a body which all Christians are members of by virtue of our baptism.

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