From celebration to desolation, from life to death, from joy to sorrow, all in one Sunday liturgy. Is that not a reflection of our own spiritual lives? Do we not all experience highs and lows on our journey toward God?
Read MoreIt is through the sacraments of the Church, established by Christ, that we find the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah fulfilled here and now; which is why the sacraments can rightly be called a foretaste of heaven.
Read MoreGod did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save and to restore the world. This is so important. Even when God rightly condemns our sins and transgressions, it is always to call us back to faithfulness and to set things right.
Read MoreWhat made the Temple sacred was not the stone walls. It was the fact that the presence of God resided there. In Christ, God is present with us in a whole new way — a personal way.
Read MoreAt different times in our lives, we all have our mountain-top experiences with God. When God asks us to do something difficult, what are we to do? Trust Him. When God places us in the midst of trying circumstances, what are we to do? Trust Him. When God promises us something that seems impossible, what are we to do? Trust Him. When God gives us crosses that seem too heavy for us to bear, what are we to do? Trust Him.
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